Music | Mind | Media

Hey there! My name is Sarah Nicole Butler, and I am a wellness coach, musician, author, and publisher with a passion for seeing people maximize the abundant life that God has given us. Whatever that looks like for you, I want you to be unlocked to fulfill purpose as a healed person - spirit, soul, and body. Glad you’re here.

Who you are is important.

I’m convinced that God has placed something on the inside of every person that is meant to represent a gift to this world. Unfortunately, life happens, people who were supposed to be for us helped to bury us, and the gift of who we are is covered. Sometimes, we just need to take some time to be uncovered - to let the gift of who we are get brushed off and presented to the world in a way that represents healing, not brokenness. I’m here to help with the uncovering, and to walk with you as you take the steps necessary to move forward.

God wants you whole.

5 Sessions, 5 Lessons, all structured around pursuing wholeness God’s way.

Learn to Play the Piano
One time

✓ Over 7.5 hours of video lessons
✓ Unlimited lifetime access
✓ Pause, play, and rewind at your own pace
✓ Downloadable PDF Worksheets
✓ Learn how to play the piano for the price of 2 1/2 lessons

How I Can Help

Wholeness Coaching

I became certified in different areas because we as humans are spirit, soul, and body. If any area has a disconnect or dis-ease, the other areas are also affected in some way. As a wholeness coach, I’ll help you take a look at where you are spirit, soul, and body, and strategize with you to see what areas can be improved upon for more coherent health.

Frequency Healing

I’ve partnered with Centropix as a brand ambassador to help support your body in the increasingly digital world we live in. If you’re in Washington and able to meet in person, PEMF therapy is an option as part of your visit. I have also released music and will continue to do so that supports spirit, soul, and body healing through the medium of sound. You can find what has already been released by searching for ‘Sarah Nicole Butler’ and 432, 528, 160, 396, or Hymns in 432, wherever you listen to music.

Light Therapy

I’ve also partnered with LifeWave, a company committed to enhancing vitality and overall health and wellness. They are about the size of a quarter and non-transdermal, which means you place them on your skin, but no medicine or anything is going through the skin. It is simply using phototherapy (or light therapy) to activate your body’s own ability to produce the necessary cells and reactions in the body for it to recover (whatever recovery looks like for you). You can learn more about the LifeWave patches here.


Music Production

Associates Degree, Pierce College


Bachelors Degree, Liberty University

Mental Health and Wellness with an Emphasis in Family Dynamics

Masters Degree, Grand Canyon University

Board-Certified Mental Health Coach

Certification, Light University

Board-Certified Life Coach

Certification, Light University

Certified Functional Nutrition Coach

Certification, Life University

Certified Brain Health Professional

[Ongoing] Certification, Amen Clinics


  • $25 - 30 minutes of wellness coaching with your specified area of focus. We will address other areas as they come up! This can be done either in person or on a ZOOM video call.

    $50 - 50 minutes of wellness coaching with your specified area of focus. We will address other areas as they come up! This can be done either in-person or on a ZOOM video call.

  • $50 - ZYTO technology uses galvanic skin response to receive biocommunication from the body. It’s like taking a questionnaire, but your body is answering the questions for you. After your ZYTO scan, I will email you the results. If you would like a functional consultation after the scan, it will be $75 total, including the scan. We’ll take some time together to go over the results and talk about possible next steps that you can take to support your wellness. Learn more about the ZYTO scan here.

  • Centropix PEMA is a technology designed to support your body in the increasingly digital world that we live in. Using frequencies, the Centropix products help to re-energize the body, giving it necessary protection and activation at the molecular level. If you want to use the Centropix mat during a coaching session, the mat time will be complimentary with the session. Having just the frequency mat without the coaching will be $30 per two sessions.

  • $10 - 15 minute session

    $20 - 30 minute session

    Sound therapy provides soothing music with clinically proven brainwave entrainment for effective stress reduction, relaxation and healing. With vibroacoustic therapy, you will sit in a chair and listen to music that increases certain brainwave activity using sound and vibration.

Make a donation.

Do you not want a session, but still want to partner with me? You can use the link below to make a donation. Every financial gift over $15 will receive an e-book version of my book, “Hey You”, which is out now on Amazon! Whatever your gift amount, I appreciate your investment in me. I promise it won’t be wasted!

Do you have a question or comment? Send me a message.